Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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The Linguistics Features of Male and Female Pageant Lovers’ Comments on Indonesia Beauty Pageant Portals on Instagram
Sutarno Sutarno, Lisdwiana Kurniati, Dessy Saputry

Last modified: 2021-10-19


The several of beauty pageants which was joined by Indonesia’ beauty queen and the dazzling of their achievement indirectly bring such euphoria to its lovers in and as a consequence, the number of beauty pageants lovers rises rapidly. The existence of some portal pageants on the social media especially instagram provide them all information about pageants every time and everywhere.  This study intended to analyze what kinds of linguistics features mostly used by male and female pageants lovers’ in giving comments on pictures or videos posted by two beauty pageant portals. Qualitative method with descriptive approach was used. In analyzing the data, the writers used kind of linguistics features on asynchronous CMC proposed by Coates (1993) namely verbosity, assertiveness, use of profanity, politeness and rudeness, typed of representation of smiling and laughter, and degree of interactive engagement. The result showed that female pageant lovers’ comments inclined verbose than male pageants lovers, then they are also more polite in giving comments, meanwhile male pageants lover inclined rude and used profanity

Keywords: Indonesia Beauty Pageant Portals, Instagram, Linguistics Features, Pageants Lovers

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