Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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Comparison of Jump Point Search Algorithms and Basic Theta* Algorithms in Determining the Shortest Route in NPC in Maze Games
Ahmad Aditya Gocendra Daud, M Muhaqiqin, Sanriomi Sintaro

Last modified: 2021-11-29


Maze game is a game that uses a maze map. In some maze games, NPCs are often applied in maze games as enemies who will chase players or make it difficult for players. To create NPCs that can chase players, NPC must be able to find a path to players, so a pathfinding algorithm is needed. In this study, Jump Point Search and Basic Theta* algorithms were applied to NPCs to chase players. This study aims to compare the performance of the two algorithms to find out which algorithm is better to use from the two algorithms in a map or maze map.

Making applications or games is done using Godot Engine software, Godot engine is a game engine with 2D and 3D environments. The assets of the game are created using the Blender software for the creation of 3D assets.

Tests of the Jump Point Search and Basic Theta* algorithms are carried out using several parameters for comparison, namely open nodes, visited nodes, path solutions, FPS, runtime, cost nodes and memory usage. Both algorithms will be tested using different heuristic functions, namely Manhattan distance and Euclidean distance. Based on the results of these tests, Basic Theta* produces a better path solution than Jump Point Search, but Jump Point Search produces a better value for all comparison parameters other than the path solution.

Keywords: Basic Theta*, Game, Jump Point Search, Maze, Pathfinding.


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