Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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Institutionalizing Human Computer Interaction in Healthcare for Diagnose Disease

Last modified: 2021-07-09


Digitalization is the societal change process in which new ICT-based solutions put forward completely new ways of doing things, new businesses and new actions in the society. Digitalization also provides entirely new ways of addressing issues related to global health. This paper lays out an overview of the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and in what ways it has contributed in development in all over the parts of the world. In addition, it outlines the United Nations’ new sustainability goals from December 2015 and what these could contribute to the development of global health and its relationship to digitalization. Finally, it argues why and how Human Computer interaction (HCI) could be adopted and adapted to fit the context-sensitive needs, the need for localization and for the development of new digital transformation. The research methodology is mostly qualitative following an action research paradigm in which the actual change process that the digitalization is evoking equally important as the scientific conclusions that can be drawn. In conclusion, the paper argues that digitalization is fundamentally changing the society through the development and use of digital technologies and may have a profound effect on the digital development of every country in the world. But it needs to be developed based on local practices, it needs international support and to not be limited by any technological constraints. Particularly digitalization to support global health requires a profound understanding of the users and their context, arguing for user-centered systems design methodologies as particularly suitable.

Here is this paper we are going to discuss how Computer interact to diagnosis of Disease using Machine Learning Technique. As Surgery and technological innovation have begun to move at the speed of light so it will help to medical professional to find best way to diagnosis for Disease.

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