Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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A Survey and Method of Local Binary Patterns with Application
payal parekh, Arpankumar Raval

Last modified: 2021-11-13


Local Binary Patterns (LBP) was proposed for texture analysis. It is a basic nearby descriptor which creates a binary code for a pixel area. It provides a robust way for describing pure LBP in a texture. Time has demonstrated that LBP is a straightforward and amazing spatial way to deal with portray local structure. LBP has excited expanding interest in many areas of image processing and computer vision which shown its effectiveness in various of applications including biomedical images, motion analysis, object detection, remote sensing, visual inspection, image retrieval and outdoor scene analysis. Due to its computational simplicity and discriminative power, LBP has become popular and Ongoing advancements showed that the Local Binary pattern texture method also gives excellent outcome in biometric application and biometric recognition system. This paper includes a comprehensive study of variants of local binary pattern method and modification.

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