Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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Fog-based Ambient Assisted HealthCare System (FAAHS)
Vivek Pramodray Dave

Last modified: 2021-11-13


This research aims to develop a Fog-based Ambient Assisted HealthCare System (FAAHS) that can help to monitor Parkinson’s disease symptom, such as tremor level, with the help of an embedded system that come with required sensor for detection, an alerting mechanism that alert concerned individual or personnel in case of tremor magnitude above the threshold, a position tracker that indicate the patient location at the time of alerting and share patient profile with concerned stakeholders. With Comrehensive study, it is found that Fog Computing approach can be followed to develop such ambient systems to build effient heath-care infrastructure in the local surrounding environment of dependent patients with critical diseases. This paper is focused on one such system which is researched and developed using Fog-computing approach to monitor and alert patients who are suffering from parkinson;s disease.

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