Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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Recent Revolution of Deep Learning Applications in Bioinformatics
Nivid Koradiya, Prof. Karuna Manthankumar Patel

Last modified: 2021-08-28


Bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary and comparatively new area of science that has made a great impact in shorter period of time. In this modern era of AI and Big data one of the challenges in bioinformatics is to convert huge amounts of biomedical data into some valuable information which can be useful to gain some knowledge. Last decade has shown us a huge growth in the field of deep learning and machine learning which can be used to generate probabilistic methods, graphs, and optimization of knowledge mining. Here we will review both machine learning and deep learning in the field of bioinformatics presenting examples of recent research and major changes. At last we will discuss the issues of implementation of deep learning in the same. The analyzed prediction can be achieved easily using deep learning techniques in the field of bioinformatics. Accordingly, application of deep learning in bioinformatics to gain insight from data has been emphasized in both academia and industry. Here, we review deep learning in bioinformatics, presenting examples of current research. To provide a useful and comprehensive perspective, we categorize research both by the bioinformatics domain and deep learning architecture.

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