Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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Mobile Robot Control System Based On Distance and Speed Using Fuzzy Logic Method
Hardin Syah Nasution, Akhmad Jayadi, Rikendry Rikendry

Last modified: 2021-07-10


The accident rate of motor vehivle users, especially cars in Indonesia, has increased every year. This is due to several factors, one of which is the physical condition of the vehicle and especially the less than optimal braking. The condition of the brakes is important for cars to avoid and anticipate accidents from happening. So we need a system that can control braking that works optimally. Through this research, the author hopes to help make a car braking control system that is applied to a robot car as an object of implementation to produce an optimal braking control system. The author uses an Arduino which is connected to an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and a rotary encoder sensor to detect the distance and wheel speed as input which produces an output that is forwarded to a dc motor in the form of braking. The method applied in this research is a fuzzy logic control system to process sensor data which is forwarded to the motor. Fuzzy logic processes data with a fuzzification process, rule base and produces a defuzzification value. The rule base becomes a reference in processing the distance and speed input values ​​that have been divided based on the fuzzy set, namely the speed is divided into fast, medium, and slow, as well as the distance set, namely short, medium, and far distances. From the rule base, it will produce the braking value of the mobile robot with conditions of stopping, slow, and very slow.

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