Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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Smart Applications of Block chain in Industry 4.0
Karuna Manthan Patel, Hina Jignesh Chokshi

Last modified: 2021-10-18


“Smart Applications of Block chain in Industry 4.0”

Prof. Karuna Patel1 , Prof. Hina Chokshi2,

Parul Institute of Computer Application, Faculty of IT and Computer Science, Parul University1

Parul Institute of Computer Application, Faculty of IT and Computer Science, Parul University2



The extreme automation of our Industry is important so as to face the Indusrty4.0. This new industrial paradigm can force our industries to manufacture abundant shorter and customized series at progressively competitive costs, even braving the manufacture of thousands of various configurations of one base product. In order to realize this, our production processes should have flexibility in their configuration that has never been fanciful before. This flexibility and talent to adapt mechanically to demand are the essence of the Industry 4.0 associate degree are a part of the Western strategy to recover an industrial sector progressively vulnerable by the jag production of huge series at extremely competitive costs in the recent era. Due to the proliferation of ICT during the last few decades, there is an exponential increase in the usage of various smart applications such as smart farming, smart healthcare, supply-chain & logistics, business, tourism and hospitality, energy management  etc. However, for all the aforementioned applications, security and privacy are major concerns keeping in view of the usage of the open channel that is we are used Internet for  data transfer. Although many security solutions and standards have been proposed over the years to enhance the security levels of are mentioned smart applications, but the existing solutions are either based upon the centralized architecture or having high computation and communication costs. Moreover, most of the existing security solutions have focussed only on few aspects and fail to address scalability, robustness, data storage, immutability, and traceability.


Keyword: Block chain, Industry 4.0, Supply chain, Smart Healthcare, Smart Farming

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