Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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Development Learning Model Industry Control Oriented of an Augmented Reality in Polytechnic
Mukhlisin Mukhlisin, Hamsu Abdul Gani, Purnamawati Purnamawati

Last modified: 2021-10-18


This study aims to produce an augmented reality-based industrial control learning model in polytechnics to improve students' digital literacy skills in the field of industrial control. The model developed consists of 5 stages, namely: Management, Organization, Digital Literacy, Investigation, and Study Discussion. The large-scale trial design was carried out using a pretest-posttest group design. Large-scale trials were conducted at the Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic and Bosowa Polytechnic. The analysis of the results of this development includes the validity and effectiveness of the developed model. The results showed; (1) The augmented reality-based industrial control learning model at the polytechnic is declared valid according to the experts with an average score of 3.6; (2) The developed model is effective for improving students' digital literacy skills in the field of industrial control, while the n gain of industrial control knowledge is 0.64 in the medium category. Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that the augmented reality-based industrial control learning model at the polytechnic that was developed is feasible to use to improve digital literacy skills in the field of industrial control.

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