Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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Big Data and its Analytic Tools for Future Digital Marketing
Hina Jignesh Chokshi, Karuna Manthan Patel

Last modified: 2021-09-04


“Big Data and its Analytic Tools for Future Digital Marketing”

Prof. Hina Chokshi1, Prof. Karuna Patel2,

Parul Institute of Computer Application, Faculty of IT and Computer Science, Parul University1

Parul Institute of Computer Application, Faculty of IT and Computer Science, Parul University2



The word “data” in Big data plays a vital role in today’s electronic era. In today’s market all the information is shared digital across various platforms in different formats like sensor-based data, social media data, and internet searched data. Companies, industries and various business sectors stores their data digitally in different formats, forming a huge collection of data known as Big Data. This big data helps the marketers to analyze and study this huge massive collection of data known as Data Analytics. Using the various data analytics tools enables the marketers to get a better insight of the customers need, demand and likings, which helps to make accurate predictions based decisions,design advanced marketing strategies and a sense of direction. Using this different type of data, the digital marketing scenarios shall surely reach the new heights in the nearby future. Looking at customers or person’s behaviour on the internet, this analytics techniques shall enable relecting different advertisements based on the customer’s interest that would be totally algorithm based knowing the current market trend. Using which the marketing strategy and the implimentation gets better, whereby customers shall also get a sight of relief that their needs were listened.

The proposed paper basically focuses on how big data plays an important role in digital marketing along with its benefits, limitations and scope. Also it depicts the different scenarios of companies involved in digital marketing and how the big data analytics can offer retrieved analytics to small scale companies which shall be benefitted in the time to come. In future, the retailers and dealers of small scale businesses shall be able to subscribe to digital marketing services and data analytics and will be able to deliver the special offers messages to the customers who pass by their store. Through digital marketing, the marketers would also be able to listen to the various trending topics and discussion on social platforms and forums. Alignment with expectations is the result and that spells success for digital marketing.


Keywords: Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Anlytics Tools,Digital Marketing

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