Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Language Linguistic Literature and Education (ICLLLE)

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Adhea Tsabitah Sulistiyo, Regina Delviani Putri, Kevin Andrian Seda

Last modified: 2022-08-12


Patriarchal culture and gender bias are still a problem for women, especially in Indonesia. Patriarchy is defined as the sole domination of men and makes them the center of various things in society. patriarchal culture received attention from the society, this issue has been raised into several movies. Yuni movies is one example of movies about patriarchy issue. Yuni is inspired by social issues where society still use a patriarchal system that does not give women the freedom to achieve their dreams. This movies shows the struggles of women in carrying out acts of resistance to patriarchy culture. The purpose of the study  is to describe the resistance of woman characters in the Yuni movie regarding of patriarchal culture in society. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. The data collection technique uses study documentation by viewing or watching, observing, and recording the contents of Yuni movie. This research use a qualitative approach with the analysis of Sara Mills's critical discourse based on three positions: the position of the subject, the position of the object, and the position of the audience. The result of the research also show the position of the subject in rejecting patriarchal culture was represented by the discourse and movements carried out by subject: the subject refused the marriage proposal, did free sex instead, and even committed suicide. The position of object is represented as a supporting character in the resistance act of the subject. The findings of the audience's position are, that the audience is invited to understand that women are able to repatriarchal culture, and gain the right to continue their education and choose their own way of life from the various resistances  that contained in the object research. The conclusion of this research is there are several resistance actions that carried out by the female lead character against patriarchal culture in Yuni's. Those resistances can be seen more clearly seen by using Sara Mills' critical discourse analysis. Keywords : Critical Discourse, Film, Patriarchy.