Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Language Linguistic Literature and Education (ICLLLE)

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The Worst Imaginative World portrayed in American Dystopian Sci-Fi: A Study of Literary Genre
Muajiz Muallim

Last modified: 2022-07-22


In recent decades, dystopian sci-fi has become highly popular works in the literary world, both as novels and films. Then, many writers or directors are actively producing this kind of works, including in America. Indeed, this popularity is very determined from the formulas that the author builds in his works. However, the formulas of dystopian sci-fi in America are tends to show pessimism through a portrait of a worst future world. The purpose of this study is to reveal how American dystopian sci-fi potrays a worst future world through its formulas. By using the method of genre analysis, the writer will reveal the formulation of conventions and Inventions found in the works of American fiction. In this case, the writer will analyze Hunger Games, Maze Runner, and Divergent novels regarding its popularity as american dystopian sci-fi of the last decade.

Keywords: American, Dystopia, Genre, Science Fiction