Last modified: 2022-08-05
The world cinema is moving towards a diversity of genres and variants covering topics, plots, animations, and character representations. Even though they have differences between media and literature in a semiotic framework, both of them still have similarities in terms of techniques, sources, values, narrative strategies, and contexts. Doctor Lawyer drama as one of the television shows that fall into the film category and is currently popular is the object of gender studies in research. Each session represents how the main male character responds to problems to get out of various confrontations. This paper answers the question of why and how the characters resolve conflicts without involving the masculinity mechanism which is commonly interpreted and practiced by male characters who are familiar with weapons and violence. The research uses the discipline of feminism, especially the principle of masculinity which is described descriptively—qualitatively. The data comes from parts of a comprehensive plot taken from a data source by Doctor Lawyer drama. The results show a shift in problem-solving sentiment by men using intellectual scenarios and positive law, instead of violence in the name of revenge. In conclusion, violence as an identity that seems to be embedded in masculinity is not the only way of conflict resolution. Even in the thriller genre drama though.