Open Conference Systems, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Communication (IC-AITC)

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Application of Data Mining Using the K-Means Clustering Mobile on Handphone and Electronic Sales (Case Study: CV Rey Gasendra)
Tria Setyani, setiawansyah setiawansyah, A. Ferico Oktaviansyah Pasaribu

Last modified: 2021-11-25


CV Rey Gasendra is one of the mobile and electronic shops engaged in selling various brands of mobile phones, washing machines, refrigerators, tvs, fans and other electronic goods. The grouping of sales data on CV Rey Gasendra is still done manually in excel. This way of grouping takes time and allows data to be lost. In grouping sales data historical data is needed, if the sales data is large then data mining techniques are needed, one of the data mining techniques is using the K-means Clustering method. Clustering is an unsupervised data mining method and K-Means is a non-hierarchical clustering method that tries to divide existing data into one or more groups. The K-Means clustering method can be applied to group sales data based on the type of goods, the type of customer, or the number of items. The data used is sales data in December-February as much as 2027 data. The test results were carried out using the RapidMiner application where the results were 2 clusters, namely cluster 0 which collected 102 data and cluster 1 which displayed 1925 data.

Keywords: Data mining, K-Means, Clustering, CV Rey Gasendra, Sales

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